Light electric truck Peace by Power Plaza
The eco-hero for megacities
Emission-Free Travel Through Rush-Hour
A megacity in the truest sense: 24 million people live in the South Korean capital of Seoul, making it the fourth largest conurbation in the world. It doesn’t bear thinking about what this kind of population density means for traffic. That said, the potential for emission-free and space-saving transport solutions is huge.
That’s exactly what the Korean electronics manufacturer Power Plaza was thinking when they turned to Linde eMotion for the drive for their light electric truck. And so the ‘Peace’ was born. The light electric, emission-free truck is both clean and affordable: The perfect conditions for the Asian mass market.
The Lightweight Truck with Herculean Strength
Did you know?
The average distance traveled by vehicles in Korea per day is 46 kilometers (figure accurate in 2013). Replacing one vehicle with the Peace saves an annual figure of around 2,175 kilos of carbon dioxide.
Power Plaza retrofits the Labo light truck from General Motors personally. Power Plaza retrofits the truck personally. The company also developed the battery and electronics itself. The motor comes from Linde Material Handling and is easily flange-mounted to the original gearbox. Thanks to the powerful drive technology, combined with a vehicle weight of just 550 kilos, the truck reaches a top speed of 105 km/h. With a range of around 150 kilometers, the compact Peace is also ideal for transport to and around busy metropolitan areas.
The robust and low-maintenance drive technology of Linde forklifts is perfect for vehicles like the Power Plaza Peace.
Wolfgang Klüpfel, Head of Linde eMotion

Promoting Emission-Free Mobility
Growth Market Asia
It’s not only in the metropolitan district of Seoul that there’s a demand for environmentally friendly mobility solutions. Electric vehicles are also making a significant contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions in other Asian megacities such as Jakarta, Mumbai and Shanghai.
The mass distribution of environmentally friendly vehicles such as the Peace requires solutions which are both efficient and affordable. The South Korean government is therefore supporting developments in the field of electromobility with a generous subsidy program. In combination with an easily-to-integrate drive solution based on Linde’s forklift truck technology, it has been possible to significantly reduce the purchase price of the Peace. Thanks to state funding, the cost was around EUR 10,000 for municipalities and private-sector users in 2013.